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TeviWeb TeviWeb

Welcome, traveler...

You've reached my corner of the web. i've started this project not only for my curiosity about the mysteries of language and technology, but also to attempt on going virtual in ways deeper than posting in social media.
This site is taking it's first steps so it's mainly very crude, but feel free to wander as much as you like. enjoy!

you are websailor number

The Uptade Log!

30.11.2024 New button made and v2 is in the making...

04.03.2023 The website now has a button!

20.01.2023 Added the projects page to the navbar

19.01.2023 Added the Update Log! +minor bug-ish fixes and now the cat gets transparent when hovering so you can reveal all it's secrets *o*

Added a view count widget

18.01.2023 Changed the URL to 'tevito' and added the navbar! altough most links are not made yet it has a nice windows 7 aero look which is also draggable with the miracle of 7.css and js scripts from jquery. also i changed the song iframe from Tem Certeza? to Chocolate (both from Ana Frango Elétrico) and added Tumblr, E-Mail and a little silly copyright thing to the footer (this is obviously not actually copyrighted tho). also changed the background which previously was a picture i took of a cell site right in front of my house and now is those two happy doggos i have saved from tumblr! :·3 i'm very glad with how it's turning

10.01.2023 Changed the name to "igotblistersonmyfingers" and started to work on the index page

around november 2022 Changed the name to Tinderbox

around september 2022 Replaced the default Neocities html page to a gif of a working pikachu written "in construction!"

28.08.2022 I created a Neocities account!
Feeling: The current mood of tevito at
Reading: Lord of the Rings (Book 1) by J.R.R. Tolkien
Watching: Sex & the City (S3)

To-do list...

- Improve the overall design and color scheme

- Add more graphics (i specifically want to throw some fake ads here)

- Link other websites, enter webrings and showcase fanlistings

- Make an about-me page.. *shrudders*
Web Clap by FC2